class firewalld::zone

Define: firewalld::zone

This defines a zone configuration. Result is a /etc/firewalld/zones/${name}.xml file, where ${name} is name of the class. See also (5) man page.



can be one of {'ACCEPT', '%%REJECT%%', 'DROP'}. Used to accept, reject or drop every packet that doesn't match any rule (port, service, etc.). Default (when target is not specified) is reject.


short readable name


long description of zone


list of interfaces to bind to a zone


list of source addresses or source address ranges (“address/mask”) to bind to a zone


list of ports to open

ports  => [{
        port     => mandatory, string, e.g. '1234'
        protocol => mandatory, string, e.g. 'tcp' },...]

list of predefined firewalld services


list of predefined icmp-types to block


enable masquerading ?


list of ports to forward to other port and/or machine

forward_ports  => [{
        port     => mandatory, string, e.g. '123' or '123-125'
        protocol => mandatory, string, e.g. 'tcp'
        to_port  => mandatory to specify either to_port or/and to_addr
        to_addr  => mandatory to specify either to_port or/and to_addr },...]

list of rich language rules (firewalld.richlanguage(5))

You have to specify one (and only one)
of service, port, protocol, icmp_block, masquerade, forward_port
and one (and only one) of accept, reject, drop
family - 'ipv4' or 'ipv6', optional, see Rule in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
source  => {  optional, see Source in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        address  => mandatory, string, e.g. ''
        invert   => optional, bool, e.g. true }
destination => { optional, see Destination in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        address => mandatory, string
        invert  => optional, bool, e.g. true }
service - string, see Service in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
port => { see Port in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        portid   => mandatory
        protocol => mandatory }
protocol - string, see Protocol in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
icmp_block - string, see ICMP-Block in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
masquerade - bool, see Masquerade in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
forward_port => { see Forward-Port in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        portid   => mandatory
        protocol => mandatory
        to_port  => mandatory to specify either to_port or/and to_addr
        to_addr  => mandatory to specify either to_port or/and to_addr }
log => {   see Log in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        prefix => string, optional
        level  => string, optional
        limit  => string, optional }
audit => {  see Audit in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        limit => string, optional }
action => {  see Action in firewalld.richlanguage(5)
        action_type => string, mandatory, one of 'accept', 'reject', 'drop'
        reject_type => string, optional, use with 'reject' action_type only
        limit       => string, optional  }


firewalld::zone { "custom":
       description     => "This is an example zone",
       services        => ["ssh", "dhcpv6-client"],
       sources         => ["", "", "2001:DB8:0:f00d:/64", ],
       ports           => [{
                       port            => "1234",
                       protocol        => "tcp",},],
       masquerade      => true,
       forward_ports   => [{
                       port            => '123',
                       protocol        => 'tcp',
                       to_port         => '321',
                       to_addr         => '',},],
       rich_rules      => [{
                       family          => 'ipv4',
                       source          => {
                               address         => '',
                               invert          => true,},
                       port            => {
                               portid          => '123-321',
                               protocol        => 'udp',},
                       log             => {
                               prefix          => 'local',
                               level           => 'notice',
                               limit           => '3/s',},
                       audit           => {
                               limit           => '2/h',},
                       action          => {
                               action_type     => 'reject',
                               reject_type     => 'icmp-host-prohibited',},